Antti Marine

Meet the doers

Kai Alm, Foreman

Assi says that in her job the pieces need to fall into place like in a game of real-life Tetris: the right goods in the right place at the right time.

How long have you been working at Antti?

– For 3.5 years.

What is your typical day like?

– I am the foreman for Antti’s door production. Some of my work relates to the staff directly. For example, I record attendance and sign off working hour logs. The goal is to keep production running smoothly across our various departments. I try to make sure that we have enough materials and components pre-emptively. I make sure that ordered works are completed on time and that the final product meets the order specifications. I order freight for Fridays. I am usually busy, and the days go by really fast.

What is a project or a day at work that made you feel like you were particularly successful?

– In my job, success means completing the orders for the week well before the deadline. Everything needs to be as specified in the contract when the pick-up arrives on Friday.

What is best about Antti and about working at Antti?

– The fact that Antti is a family enterprise. It is sufficiently large to have the needed resources and also small enough to be able to make agile changes when the need for development arises. We also have a good team here at production – skilled people with the right attitude.

Why should a customer choose Antti products?

– Antti products are of high quality. We are also a flexible partner. We are able to make changes very quickly if needed. We make frequent contact with the customer.

What does quality mean for your work?

– Part of my work is quality control. The delivery must be according to what has been agreed with the customer. In practice, I set the limits in production for what is acceptable and what is not. For example, can a batch of materials or components be used, and is the quality of work at a sufficient level.

What do you do in your free time?

– I like spending time in nature, especially at our cabin by the sea. In the autumn I go picking mushrooms. In the winter I do forestry work. I also read all year round: detective stories, books about war, and biographies.

What would you do if you didn’t work at Antti or with doors?

– I worked at Hella for 38 years making lights for vehicles. And I have been at Antti for a few years now. I guess I would not know how to do anything else anymore except work at industrial production jobs.

Valuable networking moments in SMM

Antti Marine participated SMM 2024, the leading international maritime trade fair, in Hamburg 3–6 September. We would like to thank everyone we had the honor of meeting at Antti’s booth.

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Thank you!

Navigate, the Nordic Maritime Expo in Turku, was a compact and lively event for maritime professionals. We want to thank all our guests. See you in Hamburg in the beginning of September!

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Customers happy with Antti’s operations

Every two year, Antti conducts a customer satisfaction survey with Innolink Reserch. This time the average score for all assessed factors was 4,0 which means the customers were generally satisfied with Antti’s performance. Nevertheless, there were some areas where cause for improvement was identified.

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