Antti Marine

Meet the doers

Jukka Manner, Design Engineer

Jukka has a good day at work when he is able come up with a solution that facilitates manufacturing, and also improves the quality of the product.

For how long have you been working at Antti?

– For almost 27 years.

What is your typical day like?

– My job is to make a 3D model for the ordered door, the specifications for which are taken into our enterprise resource planning system. On a typical day, I work with 3D modelling, spreadsheet, and enterprise resource planning software. Occasionally we exchange information with other designers. Sometimes I drop by our door factory to discuss the manufacturability of different parts or products.

What is a project or a day at work that made you feel like you were particularly successful?

– I am happy when I am able to come up with a solution that facilitates manufacturing and also improves the quality of the product. As an example of this, I once invented a new support tool for the door gluing stage.

What is best about Antti and about working at Antti?

– Antti is a dependable and solvent employer that has grown larger over the years.

Why should a customer choose Antti products?

– Antti makes stylish and durable doors and invests in soundproofing in the development stage.

What does quality mean for your work?

– If a door has been well designed, its production will usually run smoothly. Experience helps in doing good design work.

What do you do in your free time?

– I spend a lot of time outdoors, including the garden, the city streets, and the woods. In the winter I am often on skis. My hobbies include cross-country skiing and downhill skiing.

What would you do if you didn’t work at Antti or with doors?

– I got my first introduction to the metalworking industry about 40 years ago. Before Antti, I worked at a few other metalworking jobs. If I didn’t work at Antti, I would probably work at a machine shop somewhere – in the same industry anyway.

Thank you!

Navigate, the Nordic Maritime Expo in Turku, was a compact and lively event for maritime professionals. We want to thank all our guests. See you in Hamburg in the beginning of September!

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Customers happy with Antti’s operations

Every two year, Antti conducts a customer satisfaction survey with Innolink Reserch. This time the average score for all assessed factors was 4,0 which means the customers were generally satisfied with Antti’s performance. Nevertheless, there were some areas where cause for improvement was identified.

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Trade fairs 2024

What new opportunities do cabin doors offer in year 2024? Welcome to Antti Marine's stand at the Navigate fair in Turku and the SMM fair in Hamburg to learn more!

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