Antti Marine

Happy trails, Toni Leino!

Thank you Toni!

Known by many of our customers, our Sales Manager Toni Leino has decided to seek new challenges after 22 years at Antti.

We would like to thank Toni for his commitment and skilled management of customer door projects. We have been through countless days of hectic work as well as several uplifting moments of success.

Toni’s last day at Antti is 29.9.2023. His responsibilities will be handled by his colleagues for the time being. Moving forward, please address all contacts relating to new construction projects to Commercial Director Markko Takkinen.

Valuable networking moments in SMM

Antti Marine participated SMM 2024, the leading international maritime trade fair, in Hamburg 3–6 September. We would like to thank everyone we had the honor of meeting at Antti’s booth.

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Thank you!

Navigate, the Nordic Maritime Expo in Turku, was a compact and lively event for maritime professionals. We want to thank all our guests. See you in Hamburg in the beginning of September!

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Customers happy with Antti’s operations

Every two year, Antti conducts a customer satisfaction survey with Innolink Reserch. This time the average score for all assessed factors was 4,0 which means the customers were generally satisfied with Antti’s performance. Nevertheless, there were some areas where cause for improvement was identified.

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