Antti Marine

Hear the latest trends in ship doors

Meet the company behind the world’s best ship doors

Antti Marine is renowned as the builder of cabin doors for the finest ships in the world. Trade fairs are known to be a fertile ground for the birth of new ideas and connections. Therefore, we warmly welcome you to meet Antti’s representatives in Turku and Hamburg. Let’s create even more perfect doors together!

The Navigate fair will take place at the Turku Fair Center on May 15-16, 2024, and the SMM fair at Hamburg Messe on September 3-6, 2024.

More information about Navigate

More information about SMM

Thank you!

Navigate, the Nordic Maritime Expo in Turku, was a compact and lively event for maritime professionals. We want to thank all our guests. See you in Hamburg in the beginning of September!

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Customers happy with Antti’s operations

Every two year, Antti conducts a customer satisfaction survey with Innolink Reserch. This time the average score for all assessed factors was 4,0 which means the customers were generally satisfied with Antti’s performance. Nevertheless, there were some areas where cause for improvement was identified.

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Meet the doers / Maik Päll

Bending machine operator Maik Päll’s work requires extra measurements and high precision. He has to keep up the good work every day to keep the quality up to standards.

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